City Council Meeting
City Council Meeting
Public's Right to Speak
Consent Agenda
Item No. 1a - MOTION - payment to Insight Public Sector
Item No. 1b - MOTION - project award to Reliant Mechanical
Item No, 1c - MOTION - project award to Seven Point Const.
Item No. 1d - MOTION - project award to OfficeScapes, Inc.
Public Hearings and Ordinances on Second Reading
Item No. 2 - ORD - Zone Change at 4735 Kipling St (Best Inter...
Item No. 3 - ORD - WR Code of Laws amend re: subdivision req
Ordinances on First Reading
Item No. 4 - ORD - amend WR Code of Laws re: Telecom Srvc
Decisions, Resolutions, and Motions
Item No. 5 - MOTION - accept 2022 Financial Statements
∙ Agenda item 4 of 9
Item No, 1c - MOTION - project award to Seven Point Const.
A project to update the Courts administrative area was budgeted several years ago. The scope of the proposed project was developed by the Facilities staff in consultation with Courts staff. New flooring, painting, and lighting will be installed as well as modification to the two transaction windows where staff assists patrons to make them more functional and ADA accessible. New office furniture will be provided through a separate contract.
Staff recommends awarding a contract to Seven Point Construction, Inc. of Centennial, Colorado in the amount of $121,700 plus a staff-managed contingency of $24,340 for a total not-to-exceed amount of $146,040.
Item No. 1c - MOTION - project award to Seven Point Const.
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