City Council Meeting
City Council Meeting
9 items Mon, Sep 11, 2023 at 6:30pm How To Join Remotely
∙ Agenda item 7 of 9
Item No. 3 - ORD - WR Code of Laws amend re: subdivision req
The proposed ordinance updates Chapter 2 and Chapter 26 of the Code of Laws to revise the City’s subdivision and development review requirements. The ordinance accomplishes three main goals: 1) to prioritize meaningful public engagement and education intended to inform the public of impactful subdivision applications, 2) to reduce reliance on public hearings when the proposed uses and designs are permitted by the underlying zoning, and 3) to reduce duplication and unnecessary cross-references within the Code to ensure it is easy to understand and administer.


Item No. 3 - ORD - amend WR Code of laws for sub reqs. ( 0.7 MB )
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