City Council Meeting
City Council Meeting
Public's Right To Speak
Consent Agenda Items
Item No. 1a - MOTION - purchase E-citation Software
Item No. 1b - MOTION - purchase from Independent Salt Co.
Item No. 1c - RESO - approve grant agreement with CDOT
Item No. 1d -MOTION - contract update for Rec Center Parking
Item No. 1e - MOTION - cancel 12/18/23 Study Session
Public Hearings and Ordinances on Second Reading
Item No. 2 - ORD - Zone change for property at 10800 W. 48th
Ordinances on First Reading
Item No. 3 - ORD - amend WR Code of laws re: billboards
Item No. 4 - ORD - rezone property at 3650/3660 Wads Blvd
∙ 8-0
∙ Agenda item 5 of 9
Item No. 1d -MOTION - contract update for Rec Center Parking
A contract for the repair of the Recreation Center parking lot was approved by the City Council in June 2023 in the amount of $485,900.72 plus a staff-managed contingency of $48,500 for a total not-to-exceed contract amount of $534,400.72. Subsequently, the City Council approved additional contingency amounts of $85,000 for additional items associated with ADA modifications, electrical vehicle striping, and drainage improvements. Calculation of actual quantities for pavement removal and installation as well as the underlying geotextile fabric have resulted in the need for increased contract amount of $190,000. This would increase the total not-to-exceed amount of the contract to $809,400.72.
Item No. 1d - MOTION - update contract for Recreation Center Parking Lot repairs
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