City Council Meeting
City Council Meeting
Public's Right to Speak
Consent Agenda
Item No. 1a - MOTION - purchase a chipper dump truck
Item No. 1b - MOTION - payment to CIRSA for Ins Premium
Item No. 1c - MOTION - approve CEBT employee benefits
Item No. 1d - RESO - amend ROW maintenance service contract
Public Hearings and Ordinances on Second Reading
Item No. 2 - ORD - amend WR Code of Laws re LLA
Ordinances on First Reading
Item No. 3 - ORD - rezoning of property at 10390 W. 38th Ave
Item No. 4 - ORD - vacate portion interest in 46th Ave
Decisions, Resolutions, and Motions
Item No.5 - RESO - municipal bldg and website posting locale
Item No. 6 - RESO - levy 2023 taxes for 2024 budget
Item No. 7 - MOTION - contract for the Eco Development Plan
Item No. 8 - RESO - IGA Longs Peak Metro for Trail Imprvmt
∙ Approved 8 to 0
∙ Agenda item 4 of 12
Item No. 1c - MOTION - approve CEBT employee benefits
The City offers employees a number of benefits in order to attract and retain a high quality workforce. In 2023, the City joined the Colorado Employer Benefit Trust (CEBT) to provide a greater choice of medical plans along with dental, vision, employee assistance program (EAP) and life insurance coverage. January through December billing is estimated and budgeted in the amount of $2,485,412. Staff requests approval of the estimated 2024 total expenditure so that monthly payments can be made in a timely manner.
240108 - B.3.A - CAF - CEBT
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