City Council Meeting
Special Study Session
Agenda item 3 of 3
Item No. 2 - MEMO - Council Rules of Order and Procedures
The Charter of the City of Wheat Ridge provides that the Council may determine its own rules of procedure for meetings. Section VII.B of these Rules states “These Rules may be amended, or new Rules adopted by a majority vote of City Council Members present at a Regular or Special Meeting, provided that the proposed amendments or new Rules shall have been submitted in writing to City Council at a preceding meeting or a Study Session. Any City Council Member, or the Mayor, may initiate an amendment of these Rules in the manner provided for initiation of Agenda Items by Rule V.D. These Rules shall be reviewed and revised by the City Council as needed and as provided for herein.” Attached are the current Rules, effective February 13, 2023. Council may consider amendments to these Rules at this time.
In response to the antisemitic comments received at the November 13, 2023 City Council meeting, the City Attorney drafted the attached memo “Hate speech in the public forum: options for local governments.” Mr. Dahl provided several options for City Council to consider regulating the time, place and manner of public comment.
Item No. 2 - MEMO - Council Rules of Order and Procedure
( 0.48 MB )
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