City Council Meeting
Regular Meeting
12 items Mon, May 23, 2022 at 7:00pm How To Join Remotely
∙ Approved 7 to 0
∙ Agenda item 9 of 12
Item No. 6 - Ordinance concerning Vehicular Public Nuisances
Illegal street racing is a dangerous activity which poses a threat to those citizens using both public and private roadways. Negative impacts of street racing include excessive noise at late hours, taking over of public property, dangerous stunts, and road racing that endangers the public as well as participants and on-lookers. The Wheat Ridge community has a low tolerance for this behavior. This proposed ordinance will create more tools for Law Enforcement to deter street racing.


Item No. 6 -Ordinance concerning Vehicular Public Nuisances ( 0.45 MB )
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