City Council Meeting
City Council Meeting
13 items Mon, Jun 13, 2022 at 7:00pm How To Join Remotely
∙ Approved 8 to 0
∙ Agenda item 3 of 13
Item No. 1b - Resolution accepting CO Regional Opioid IGA
This resolution authorizes the Mayor to sign the Colorado Regional Opioid Intergovernmental Agreement ("IGA"). The IGA is between the three Region 10 counties, and seventeen participating local governments, including the City of Wheat Ridge, located in each of the three Region 10 counties. The IGA details the procedures to establish a Regional Council for Region 10, designates Jefferson County as Region 10's fiscal agent, and establishes that the participating local governments intend to request and administer opioid settlement funds in a manner consistent with the Colorado Opioids Settlement Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed by the Mayor on November 8, 2021.


Item No. 1b - Resolution accepting CO Regional Opiod IGA (2) ( 0.64 MB )
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