City Council Meeting
City Council Meeting
13 items Mon, Jun 13, 2022 at 7:00pm How To Join Remotely
∙ Approved 8 to 0
∙ Agenda item 10 of 13
Item No. 7 - Motion approving temp site licn agrmnt T-Mobile
The City owns and operates a cellular tower at City Hall and has three lease agreements with cellular companies for use of the tower. The existing tower is no longer structurally sound and needs to be replaced to accommodate upgrades of cellular equipment on the tower. During thetimeframe required to demolish the existing cellular tower and construct a new monopole tower, the three cellular carriers have requested permission to occupy space in the City Hall parking lot to house their cell-on-wheels units to provide uninterrupted cellular service.


Item No. 7 - Motion approving temp site license agreement with T-Mobile ( 8.41 MB )
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