City Council Meeting
City Council Meeting
13 items Mon, Jun 13, 2022 at 7:00pm How To Join Remotely
∙ Approved 8 to 0
∙ Agenda item 13 of 13
Item No. 10 - Resolution for budget supplement Stantech Arch
The City has reached its occupational limits to house employees comfortably, effectively, and equitably. Its facilities have been well maintained; however, a majority of the portfolio is cramped, outdated, and burdened by deferred maintenance. To date, there have been no such efforts to evaluate the condition of the entirety of the City's owned and occupied portfolio, nor development of a plan for what comes next for its facilities to meet the challenges of an evolving working environment and workforce. This motion will award a contract in the amount of $188,534.60 to complete a 10-year Facilities Master Plan for the City to Stantec Architecture Inc.


Item No. 10 - Resolution for budget supplemental to Stantec Arch. for Master Plan ( 3.39 MB )
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