City Council Meeting
City Council Meeting
Public's Right to Speak
Item No. 1a - Reso amend FY22 Fund Bldg Div Svcs
Item No. 1b - Reso amend. FY 23 Budget - vehicle replace
Item No. 1c - Motion to approve purchase of vehicle replace
Item No. 1d - Motion to award custodial services contract
Item No. 2 - Ord approv. 1st amend of Verizon lease
Item No. 3 - Ord. approv. 1st amend. T-Mobile lease
Item No. 4 - Ord. approv. 1st amend. Cingular Wireless
Item No. 5 - Motion to approve Boards and Comm. Appts.
∙ Approved 7 to 0
∙ Agenda item 6 of 9
Item No. 2 - Ord approv. 1st amend of Verizon lease
The City entered into lease agreements with three cellular companies for replacement of the Municipal Building cellular tower. Those leases contemplate a start date of February 14, 2023. Because of supply chain delays, the leases must be amended to allow additional time for this work. Approval of this ordinance will extend the commencement date deadline to June 1, 2023, and also grants authority for minor changes to the lease as needed.
Item No. 2 - Ord. approv. 1st amend Verizon lease
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