City Council Meeting
City Council Meeting
Public's Right to Speak
Item No. 1a - Resolution supporting three JCOS apps
Item No. 1b - Motion for Urban Renewal Appt.
Item No. 1c - Resolution re: pedest. imp. at 38th & Reed St.
Item 1d - Resolution re: CDEC Grant
Item No. 1e - Resolution re: 32nd Ave. bike lanes
Item No. 1f - Motion re: asphalt for Rec. Ctr. Repair
Item No. 2 - Ordinance re: Hotel Licensing
Item No. 3 - Sales Tax Extension ballot issue
Item No. 4 - Ordinance rezoning 7575 W. 44th Ave.
Item No. 5 - Ordinance amend. sub. & dev. review req
Item No. 6 - Resolution re: IGA with CDOT
Item No. 7 - Resolution approving ROW Google Fiber
∙ Approved 7 to 0
∙ Agenda item 5 of 13
Item 1d - Resolution re: CDEC Grant
In 2022, the City was awarded federal funding through the State of Colorado Department of Early Childhood’s Child Care Stabilization and Workforce Sustainability grant program for the Sun Camp and Licensed Preschool childcare program through June 30, 2023. The Department of Early Childhood has offered additional grant funding in the amount of $37,586.79 for these programs through September 30, 2023. A resolution approving a supplemental budget appropriation is required to accept and appropriate this additional grant funding.
Item No. 1d -Resolution re CDEC Grant
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