City Council Meeting
City Council Meeting
Public's Right to Speak
Item No. 1a - Resolution supporting three JCOS apps
Item No. 1b - Motion for Urban Renewal Appt.
Item No. 1c - Resolution re: pedest. imp. at 38th & Reed St.
Item 1d - Resolution re: CDEC Grant
Item No. 1e - Resolution re: 32nd Ave. bike lanes
Item No. 1f - Motion re: asphalt for Rec. Ctr. Repair
Item No. 2 - Ordinance re: Hotel Licensing
Item No. 3 - Sales Tax Extension ballot issue
Item No. 4 - Ordinance rezoning 7575 W. 44th Ave.
Item No. 5 - Ordinance amend. sub. & dev. review req
Item No. 6 - Resolution re: IGA with CDOT
Item No. 7 - Resolution approving ROW Google Fiber
∙ Approved 7 to 0
∙ Agenda item 6 of 13
Item No. 1e - Resolution re: 32nd Ave. bike lanes
A contract was previously awarded to David Evans & Associates, Inc. (DEA) for the 32nd Avenue Bike Lanes project. After the contract award, the City received a transportation improvement (TIP) grant providing additional construction funding and the ability to provide better bike/ped facilities for the westbound direction. The TIP grant federalizes the process and increases the environmental clearance process. An amendment to the 32nd Avenue Bike Lanes
contract with DEA, in the amount of $132,868, is being presented for consideration to includethe additional design and environmental work associated with the TIP grant.
Item No. 1e - Resolution re 32nd Ave Bike Lanes
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