City Council Meeting
City Council Meeting
13 items Mon, Aug 28, 2023 at 6:30pm How To Join Remotely
∙ Approved 7 to 0
∙ Agenda item 9 of 13
Item No. 3 - Sales Tax Extension ballot issue
On July 17, 2023, City Council directed staff to move forward with a ballot question for the November 2023 election to extend the City’s one-half of one cent (0.50%) sales and use tax for 20 years and to issue debt to finance up to $75 million in public infrastructure improvements. These improvements would include sidewalk, bike lane and street improvements along primary street corridors, sidewalk gap construction and other sidewalk maintenance along major pedestrian corridors and routes to schools and drainage and floodplain infrastructure improvements at priority locations in the City. To include this question on the 2023 ballot, the City Council must set the final ballot language and submit it to the Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder by September 8th. Setting the ballot language by ordinance requires a first reading on August 14th and a second reading and public hearing on August 28th to meet this deadline. The attached ordinance accomplishes this.


Item No. 3 - Sales Tax Extension ballot issue ( 0.37 MB )
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