City Council Meeting
City Council Meeting
Public's Right to Speak
Item No. 1a - Resolution supporting three JCOS apps
Item No. 1b - Motion for Urban Renewal Appt.
Item No. 1c - Resolution re: pedest. imp. at 38th & Reed St.
Item 1d - Resolution re: CDEC Grant
Item No. 1e - Resolution re: 32nd Ave. bike lanes
Item No. 1f - Motion re: asphalt for Rec. Ctr. Repair
Item No. 2 - Ordinance re: Hotel Licensing
Item No. 3 - Sales Tax Extension ballot issue
Item No. 4 - Ordinance rezoning 7575 W. 44th Ave.
Item No. 5 - Ordinance amend. sub. & dev. review req
Item No. 6 - Resolution re: IGA with CDOT
Item No. 7 - Resolution approving ROW Google Fiber
∙ Approved 7 to 0
∙ Agenda item 10 of 13
Item No. 4 - Ordinance rezoning 7575 W. 44th Ave.
The City owns the former Bank of the West property at 7575 W. 44th Avenue and is proposing a zone change from Commercial-One (C-1) to Mixed Use-Commercial (MU-C). The zone change will result in a zoning that matches surrounding zoning and enables redevelopment of the site by expanding permitted uses.
Item No. 4 - Ordinance rezoning 7575 W. 44h Ave
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