City Council Meeting
City Council Meeting
Public's Right to Speak
Item No. 1a - Resolution supporting three JCOS apps
Item No. 1b - Motion for Urban Renewal Appt.
Item No. 1c - Resolution re: pedest. imp. at 38th & Reed St.
Item 1d - Resolution re: CDEC Grant
Item No. 1e - Resolution re: 32nd Ave. bike lanes
Item No. 1f - Motion re: asphalt for Rec. Ctr. Repair
Item No. 2 - Ordinance re: Hotel Licensing
Item No. 3 - Sales Tax Extension ballot issue
Item No. 4 - Ordinance rezoning 7575 W. 44th Ave.
Item No. 5 - Ordinance amend. sub. & dev. review req
Item No. 6 - Resolution re: IGA with CDOT
Item No. 7 - Resolution approving ROW Google Fiber
∙ Approved 7 to 0
∙ Agenda item 13 of 13
Item No. 7 - Resolution approving ROW Google Fiber
Google Fiber approached the city in late-2022 to discuss installation of a new 100% fiber optic network internet service in the city’s rights-of-way. The city would grant a non-exclusive license agreement to Google Fiber to use and occupy the public rights-of-way to install, operate, and maintain a fiber optic infrastructure network for the purpose of offering communications services including broadband Internet access service and Voice over Internet Protocol services. City staff
have negotiated an agreement that will protect the right-of-way and ensure adequate oversight during the construction process. The term of the agreement is for an initial 20 years.
Item No. 7 - Resolution approving ROW Google Fiber
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Public Comments
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Online comments closed at 12:00 PM MDT 8/28/23.