City Council Meeting
Regular City Council Meeting
Item No. 1a - Display cabinet and Transcript
Item No. 1b - Motion Quarterly Payments JeffComm
Item No. 1c - CIRSA premium
Item No. 1d - Pinnacol worker's comp motion
Item No. 1e - Election Commission
Item No. 1f - Cultural Commission
Item No. 2 - Zone Change at 12100 W. 44th Ave.
Item No. 3 - Major Subdivision at 4000-4066 Upham Street
Item No. 4 - Ordinance Rezoning 9605 W. 38th Ave.
Item No. 5 - Resolution Lutheran historical assets
Item No. 6 - Resolution establishing street width 52nd Ave.
Item No. 7 - Resolution approving MOU Jeffco Mental Health
Item No. 8 - Motion Berry Dunn payments ERP
Public Meeting Video
How to Participate in Virtual Public Meetings
( 0.16 MB )
City Council Meeting Agenda 01-10-2022
( 0.19 MB )