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City Council – Study Session
Mon, Sep 16, 2024 at 6:30pm
4 Agenda Items
Virtual and in person
Public's Right to Speak
Item No. 1 - MEMO - City Plan Update
The purpose of this study session is to provide City Council with an update on the City Plan process and to have a discussion with council members regarding the content included in the third phase of City Plan public engagement. In Phase 3, staff is translating what we heard in the first two phases into draft policy direction for land use, mobility, and how the City Plan can facilitate peaceful coexistence between existing neighborhoods and future development. Attachment 1 is a memo provided by the City Plan consultant, czb, which includes more details to support this study session. This is the third of four anticipated Council discussions on this project, with the subsequent study session scheduled for February 3, 2025.
Item No. 2 - MEMO - Homeless Navigation Program Update
The most recent Homeless Navigation Program update was in October 2023. The purpose of this study session item is for the Navigators to provide a general update to City Council regarding the Homeless Navigation Program.
Item No. 3 - MEMO - Legislative Advocacy Program
This memo presents the City Council with four initiatives that could form a comprehensive legislative strategy and complement the existing legislative forum. The Council may choose to adopt the entire strategy or implement certain components.
City Council – Special Study Session
Mon, Sep 9, 2024 at 7:00pm
3 Agenda Items
Virtual and in person
Public's Right to Speak
Item No. 1 - MEMO - NOAH Update
Item No. 2 - Tobacco Code Update
City Council – City Council Meeting
Mon, Sep 9, 2024 at 6:30pm
8 Agenda Items
Virtual and in person
Public's Right to Speak
Item No. 1a - MOTION - 2024 Striping Pavement Marking
The City performs pavement striping and pavement marking on a periodic basis throughout the city to maintain their reflective qualities and maintain visibility for drivers. The 2024 Striping and Pavement Marking project includes re-marking existing centerline and lane striping as well as crosswalks, turn arrows, and other pavement markings. One (1) bid was received and opened on August 27, 2024. Staff recommends award of a contract to Colorado Barricade Company of Denver, Colorado for the Base Bid amount of $221,555 and Bid Alternate 1 in the amount of $16,545 for a total bid amount of $238,100, plus a contingency of 5% or $11,900 for unknown or added items.
Item No. 1b - MOTION - 2024 Concrete Repairs ADA Project
The City performs concrete rehabilitation on an annual basis and addresses the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements as guided by the City’s ADA Transition Plan. The 2024 Concrete Repairs and ADA Pedestrian Ramps project consists of pedestrian ramp, drainage pan, curb and gutter, and sidewalk replacement at locations that are deficient as determined by city inspectors. The project also includes four speed humps approved in late-2023 as part of the Neighborhood Traffic Management Program. Ten bids were received and opened on August 23, 2024. Staff recommends the lowest responsive bidder, Majestic Concrete Contractors, Inc. of Wheat Ridge, Colorado be awarded the contract for the Base Bid amount of $507,529.60 and Bid Alternate 1 in the amount of $48,975.00 for a total bid amount of $556,504.60, plus a 10% contingency of $55,650.46, totaling $612,155.06.
Item No. 1c - MOTION - Vehicle Replacement Purchase
Staff recommends the purchase of one 2025 Chevrolet Silverado 3500HD under the State of Colorado purchasing contract in the amount of $79,030. Staff also requests approval to purchase, install and/or relocate auxiliary equipment required for the operation of the replacement vehicle along with the installation of lighting, markings, auxiliary snow removal equipment, and communication equipment at a total cost of $10,000. The total cost of the vehicle, including preparation for use, is not to exceed the $90,000 approved in the 2024 budget.
Item No. 1d - MOTION - WRRC Electronic Sign Contract Award
Staff solicited proposals to design and install a new electronic messaging sign at the Recreation Center, adjacent to Kipling Street. Six (6) proposals were received. Staff recommends award of a contract to Schlosser Sign, Inc. of Loveland, Colorado for the design and installation of the sign in the amount of $92,303.58, plus a contingency of approximately 7.5% or $6,900 for unknown or added items.
Item No. 2 - ORD - Bond
At the regular general election held on November 7, 2023, the electorate of the City approved ballot question 2J, which extended the one-half of one percent sales and use tax levied by the City and authorized the issuance of debt to finance City investment in capital improvement projects. Sales and use tax revenue bonds will be issued to finance the City investments, which requires approval of an ordinance by City Council. A change was made to the bond ordinance following first reading and is reflected in the first attachment. In summary, after additional financial analysis, it was determined it is prudent for the City to “refund” (include) approximately $5 million of the 2017 bond debt in this new issuance, defeasing the remaining 2017 debt with approximately $7.3 million of the 2E fund balance.
Item No. 3 - ORD - 19-80 Property Dispo Amend
A discrepancy exists between Code sections 19-80 and 19-77 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws concerning the disposition of lost or abandoned property. To correct that discrepancy, the Wheat Ridge Police Department is requesting that Code section 19-80 be amended to render it consistent with Code section 19-77 and the standard operating procedures of the police department.
Item No. 4 - MOTION - Wads Path Design Contract Award
In 2022, the City was awarded a $7.5M grant through the Denver Regional Council of Governments Transportation Improvement Program to construct a multi-use path along the west side of Wadsworth Boulevard between 32nd and 35th Avenues. The Public Works Department solicited and evaluated proposals from five firms. Staff is recommending that the city enter into a contract with Olsson for the design, environmental, and right-of-way phases of the project. The fee amount was negotiated with Olsson and includes an approximate 3% contingency amount to address minor changes that may arise during the design process.
City Council – City Council Meeting
Mon, Aug 26, 2024 at 6:30pm
13 Agenda Items
Virtual and in person
Public's Right to Speak
Item No. 1a - RESO - Special Election
The City Charter calls for a municipal election in every odd year to coincide with the elected terms for the Offices of the Mayor, Clerk, Treasurer and Council. Municipal elections are not held in the City of Wheat Ridge in even-numbered years unless a special election is warranted for a recall, referendum or initiative set forth by the electorate or the Council. In such cases, Charter Section 2.2. gives the Council the authority to call a special election. City Council will refer two ballot questions to the electorate of the City of Wheat Ridge for the November 5, 2024 general election. Therefore, the City of Wheat Ridge is required to formally call a special municipal election for this date.
Item No. 1b - RESO - Election IGA
The City of Wheat Ridge will participate in a coordinated election on November 5, 2024. The attached Resolution and Intergovernmental Agreement must be executed and forwarded to Jefferson County by Tuesday, August 27, 2024. The documents refer to the respective duties of the County and the City of Wheat Ridge regarding the administration of their respective duties concerning the conduct of the Coordinated Election. The duties of the County Clerk include, but are not limited to ballot preparation, voter lists, staff selection and training, providing election supplies, mailing of the ballots, counting of the ballots, and certification of results. The duties of the City of Wheat Ridge include but are not limited to Call and Notice and ballot preparation. The City Clerk shall act as the City of Wheat Ridge’s “Election Officer” and the designated election official. The City Clerk shall act as the primary liaison between the City of Wheat Ridge and the Contact Officer for the County Clerk and Recorder.
Item No. 2 - ORD - Lutheran Charter Question
The Lutheran Legacy Campus (LLC) Master Plan was adopted in 2021 and implementation of the plan’s vision requires that the City Charter be amended to modify the building height limitations of the campus. This ordinance sets the ballot language for the November 5th election which is due to the Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder on September 6th.
Item No. 3 - ORD - Charter Clean Up Question
Amendments to the City Charter to update and modernize the language, including provisions to remove ambiguities, clerical errors, and outdated provisions, provide additional flexibility in City operations, and ensure gender and citizenship neutrality. This ordinance sets the ballot language for the November 5th election which is due to the Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder on September 6th.
Item No. 4 - ORD - Landscaping
The proposed ordinance makes necessary updates to the City’s zoning and development code to modernize, clarify, and update landscape design requirements. This repeal and re-enactment of the ordinance updates standards to address more water efficient design, and it reorganizes and clarifies code to make requirements easier to understand by all users.
Item No. 5 - ORD - STR Code Update
In February 2021, City Council enacted legislation concerning the licensing and enforcement of short-term rentals (STRs). Since that time, staff has worked to implement the legislation by licensing STRs, collecting the applicable lodgers’ tax, and enforcing the codified regulations. Through the implementation of the program, both members of Council and staff identified necessary amendments to the Code to improve the STR program. This ordinance amends the Code based on direction received from City Council on June 3, 2024.
Item No. 6 - ORD - Bonds
At the regular general election held on November 7, 2023, the electorate of the City approved ballot question 2J, which extended the one-half of one percent sales and use tax levied by the City and authorized the issuance of debt to finance City investment in capital improvement projects. Sales and use tax revenue bonds will be issued to finance the City investments, which requires approval of an ordinance by City Council.
Item No. 7 - ORD - Lost Property
A discrepancy exists between Code sections 19-80 and 19-77 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws concerning the disposition of lost or abandoned property. To correct that discrepancy, the Wheat Ridge Police Department is requesting that Code section 19-80 be amended to render it consistent with Code section 19-77 and the standard operating procedures of the police department.
Item No. 8 - RESO - STR Fine Schedule
City Council enacted legislation concerning the licensing and enforcement of short-term rentals (STRs) in February 2021. Through the implementation of the program, both members of Council and staff identified the need for a Short-Term Rental (STR) fine schedule to facilitate code enforcement and compliance. This resolution is based on direction received from City Council on June 3, 2024, when Council asked staff to bring forth a fine schedule that reflected the commercial nature of the STR program. Council is asked to adopt this by Resolution as an amendment to the 2024 fee schedule that was presented as part of the budget.
Item No. 9 - RESO - Makerspace CDS
In 2023, staff submitted applications to Wheat Ridge’s Federal Delegation for $200,000 in Congressional Directed Spending (CDS) for the Localworks Clear Creek Makerspace Phase II Project. This project was recommended by Senator Hickenlooper and approved by Congress for Fiscal Year 2024.
Item No. 10 - RESO - Jeffco Housing Blueprint
A 2022 Housing Needs Assessment Study commissioned by Colorado Gives Foundation (CGF) recommended convening key stakeholders across Jefferson County to explore strategic actions, develop partnerships, support county-wide housing efforts, and pursue additional state and federal resources. In response, CGF launched the Jeffco Housing Steering Committee in 2022 to create an innovate approach to housing throughout the county, focusing specifically on housing for residents earning 60-120% of the area median income. City Council is asked to endorse the Jeffco Housing Blueprint in support of the housing goals and strategies for Jefferson County.
Item No. 11 - RESO - supporting RTD Ballot Question
The RTD Board has referred a ballot measure to the November 5, 2024 election to exempt RTD from any future Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights (TABOR) revenue limitations. Board Director Marjorie Sloan has requested an endorsement from the City of Wheat Ridge is support of this ballot measure.
City Council – Study Session
Mon, Aug 19, 2024 at 6:30pm
4 Agenda Items
Virtual and In Person
Public's Right to Speak
Item No 1 - 38th Ave Refresh Project
The overwhelming passage of the 2J sales tax extension, which focuses on funding critical public infrastructure projects, allows the city to re-examine improvements to 38th Avenue, between Wadsworth Blvd and Harlan Street. The focus of this effort would be to refine the latest version of the design as the starting point to effect a final design that could be constructed in the next 2-3 years. Minimal changes, if any, would be made to the street width. Instead, the focus of improvements would be to the areas between the curb line and the private property/right-of-way line. A design consultant team would be engaged to provide a robust traffic analysis, public involvement, and a preliminary design for the corridor. Staff is seeking input and direction from the City Council on this approach.
Item No 2 - Sustainability Action Plan Project Update
The purpose of this study session is to provide City Council with an update on the Sustainability Action Plan Update project including the process to date and stakeholder engagement and culminating in the presentation of the draft Sustainability Action Plan Update: Five-Year Roadmap to ensure alignment with Council priorities.
Item No 3 - Business License Improvements
The City of Wheat Ridge manages a robust business licensing program. Staff is planning to implement software improvements to streamline and modernize this program. In preparation for these changes, staff has developed several options for the City Council to further enhance the business licensing program.
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