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City Council
Planning Commission
City Council – Special Study Session
Mon, Feb 10, 2025 at 7:00pm
2 Agenda Items
Virtual and In-Person
Public's Right to Speak
Item No. 1 - MEMO - Legacy Metro District Srvc Plan
The City received a draft Service Plan for the Legacy Metropolitan District Nos. 1-12 (collectively, the “Districts”) on January 27, 2025, for approximately 100 acres of property comprised of the former Lutheran Medical Center campus (the “Property”). The purpose of the Districts will be to provide all or a portion of public improvements for the benefit of the residents and taxpayers located within the boundaries of the Districts. Cost of public improvements is estimated at $99 million. The Service Plan would allow for a maximum debt of $110 million and a maximum debt mill levy of 67 mills for up to 40 years. The proposed Service Plan describes and sets forth those powers and authorities the Districts shall have as allowed by Colorado law. The exercise of such powers, however, will at all times be governed by and subject to the terms of an IGA between the City and the Districts. State law allows local governments to exert significant control over the organization and operation of special districts. The service plan approval process is the key to exercising that control.
City Council – City Council Meeting
Mon, Feb 10, 2025 at 6:30pm
12 Agenda Items
Virtual and In-Person
Public's Right to Speak
Item No. 1a - MOTION - Cancel March 10 CC Meeting
The City Council meeting on March 10, 2025, currently coincides with the NLC Conference located in Washington D.C. As multiple members of the City Council will be attending the NLC Conference when this meeting is scheduled to occur, staff is requesting to cancel the March 10, 2025, City Council meeting.
Item No. 1b - MOTION - Contract for Rec Center Bridge Repair
Three (3) bids were received in response to the city’s Invitation for Bids to construct the Wheat Ridge Recreation Center Bridge Settlement Repair Project. The lowest responsive bidder was KECI Civil, Inc. It is recommended that the city enter a contract with KECI Civil to perform the repair work on the Wheat Ridge Recreation Center bridge.
Item No. 1c - RESO - amend IGA with MHFD for Clear Creek
The Mile High Flood District planned to update the Master Drainageway Plan (MDP) for Clear Creek, between Kipling Street and Wadsworth Boulevard, in 2023. An Intergovernmental Agreement between the Mile High Flood District and the city was executed in December 2022. This first amendment to that agreement is being proposed to address the increased funding required for services necessary to complete the analysis and issue a report.
Item No. 1d - MOTION - purchase of equipment from Holman
The Public Works Department is proposing the purchase of various snow and ice control equipment, lighting, and hydraulics to be installed on a new, replacement snowplow truck. The total expense of the various equipment, including installation, is estimated to be approximately $190,000 based on a quote provided by Holman Upfitting Truck Services.
Item 1e - RESO - Jeffco Open Space Agreement
The City of Wheat Ridge was awarded $475,854 from the Jeffco Open Space (JCOS) Trails Partnership Program. The award is approximately 33% of the estimated cost for design and construction improvements for certain segments of the Clear Creek Trail to align with the county’s region trail standards. To receive the funding, the City must accept the grant award by directing the Mayor to sign the attached Grant Agreement.
Item No. 1f - RESO - Jeffco Open Space Nature's Stewards
The City of Wheat Ridge was awarded $10,000 from the Jefferson County Open Space Foundation’s Nature’s Next Stewards Program. The funding will support a second weekly field trip for summer Sun Camp participants in 2025; focusing on visiting natural spaces in the county and paired with environmental education. To increase the Sun Camp 2025 budget to spend the funding appropriately, the City must increase the Sun Camp operating supplies budget by passing a supplemental budget appropriation.
Item No. 2 - ORD - amend WR Code of Laws Unclaimed Property
The Colorado state treasurer's office has advised the City of a state statute govering unclaimed property. The statute referenced is the Colorado Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act, CRS 38-13-101 et seq. (the “Act’). The Act generally requires holders of unclaimed property, such as the City, to disburse unclaimed cash and cash instruments to the state treasurer. The City may exempt itself from the Act, but only if it has adopted a local ordinance concerning unclaimed property which conflicts with the Act. This ordinance revises Code sections to comply with the Act while perserving the City’s authority to dispose of unclaimed property. The ordinance simplifies the Code sections on disposition of unclaimed property generally and property held by the police department.
Item No. 3 - 2025 Legislative Agenda
The City of Wheat Ridge’s 2025 Legislative Agenda will guide the City’s advocacy on state-level policy decisions that could significantly impact the City. Developed in collaboration with the City’s Legislative Committee, the Agenda establishes clear positions on anticipated legislation for the 2025 Colorado Legislative Session. It serves as both a framework for the City’s advocacy efforts and a resource for state legislators considering policies affecting Wheat Ridge.
Item No. 4 - RESO - amend budget 38th West Corridor Improve
In March 2023, the city began a planning study of the 38th Avenue corridor, between Youngfield Street and Kipling Street, with the goals of improving the roadway to accommodate pedestrians and bicyclists while still accommodating vehicular traffic and providing improved stormwater drainage. The study consultant, Ayres Associates, Inc., has presented a final version of their report to staff, and the next step is to develop constructions plans to build the improvements along 38th Avenue. Ayres Associates, Inc. has been selected to complete the design work due to their previous work and current knowledge of the specific needs along 38th Avenue.
Item No. 5 - MOTION - agreement for Tabor Lake Improvements
Planning and design work associated with the Tabor Lake Trail project has reached completion. JOC Contracting, LLC was selected through Sourcewell cooperative purchasing to complete the construction phase of this project. This project will create a connection to the Clear Creek Trail from 44th Avenue through Van Gordon Street. Formalizing the existing social trail adjacent to Tabor Lake will provide a wider, safer, ADA accessible path to the Clear Creek Trail, and will enhance birding experiences by adding a bird blind and lake overview shelter.
Item No. 6 - MOTION - agreement for Panorama Tennis Courts
Planning and design work associated with the Panorama Tennis Courts project has reached completion. Colorado Designscapes was selected through a competitive procurement process to complete the construction phase of this project. The existing tennis and basketball courts at Panorama Park have reached the end of their useful life span and need replacement. Court subsurface is in poor condition along with cracking on the play surface, making them unsafe and beyond normal maintenance repair.
Planning Commission – Regular Meeting
Thu, Feb 6, 2025 at 6:30pm
1 Agenda Items
Virtual and in-person. Click for more information
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Specific Development Plan SW of 40th Ave./Clear Creek Dr.
Request for approval of a Specific Development Plan (SDP) for the construction of a three-building restaurant and park corridor (being coined ‘the Lookout”) and located SW of the W. 40th Ave. and Clear Creek Drive intersection in the Clear Creek Crossing mixed use development.
City Council – Study Session
Mon, Feb 3, 2025 at 6:30pm
3 Agenda Items
Virtual and In-Person
Public's Right to Speak
Item No. 1 - MEMO - Digital Billboards and Signs
In 2023, staff recommended updates to the city’s sign code, specifically related to billboards. Code updates included removing the lottery process for billboard vacancies, reducing the number of billboards allowed in the city from 16 to 15 (and lower as billboards are abandoned), establishing a maximum distance between a billboard and the highway, and clarifying that “changeable copy” or digital billboards are not allowed. Since then, individuals representing billboard companies, has approached city staff and councilmembers requesting code amendments that would allow digital signs in two specific contexts. First, they are requesting the city to reconsider its prohibition on digital billboards. Second, they are requesting the city to consider expanding allowances for digital signs on city property (including right-of-way) to allow for a public-private partnership (PPP) related to digital ad sales. This memo is organized into two parts to describe the implications of each request.
Item No. 2 - MEMO - 2025 Legislative Agenda
The Legislative Committee has recommended that the City Council consider the adoption of the 2025 Legislative Agenda.
City Council – City Council Meeting
Mon, Jan 27, 2025 at 6:30pm
7 Agenda Items
Virtual and In-Person
Public's Right to Speak
Item No. 1 - ORD - Lutheran Legacy Campus Zoning Regulations
This ordinance creates a new Article XIV (14) in Chapter 26 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws that establishes a new zone district, the Mixed-Use Lutheran Legacy Campus (MU-LLC) zone district. The zone district regulations establish development standards for the future redevelopment of the former hospital site based on the adopted Lutheran Legacy Campus Master Plan and City Council consensus. Approval of this ordinance will allow for the Lutheran Legacy Campus to be rezoned to the new MU-LLC zone district in the future.
Item No. 2 - ORD - Amend WR Code of Laws Board & Commissions
This ordinance clarifies that board and commission members who change their personal residence to another council district within the city may continue to be a member representing the district for which they were appointed until the end of the term for which they were appointed.
Item No. 3 - ORD - Model Traffic Code
The City is required to periodically review the Wheat Ridge Municipal Traffic Code to ensure conformance with State of Colorado Traffic Ordinances. The newest version of the Model Traffic Code was adopted by the State of Colorado in 2024. To stay consistent and up to date with the newest Colorado Traffic Codes and to ensure the citizens of Wheat Ridge are best served by the updated Model Traffic Code, adoption of the newest code is recommended.
Item No. 4 - ORD - Amend WR Laws Police Pension Plan
Per the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, membership in the police pension plan does not currently extend to recruits entering the academy. Recruits are therefore placed in the civilian plan for approximately six months, then enrolled in the sworn plan. This is administratively burdensome for staff and challenging for recruits. This ordinance amends the code to allow recruits to enroll immediately into the police pension plan.
Item No. 5 - RESO - Amend Committee Bylaws
This Resolution amends the Bylaws for the IDEA and Sustainable Wheat Ridge Committees, so their term dates conform with other Boards, Commission, and Committees. The only Commission which does not conform is the Election Commission, as its membership terms are set by the Home Rule Charter.
Item No. 6 - RESO - Amend Police Pension Fund Agreement
The City provides a 401(a)-retirement benefit to sworn and civilian employees. This resolution proposes two changes to the sworn pension plan. First, it increases the City’s contribution by one half percent to 12.5%. Second, it reduces the normal retirement age for sworn employees from 55 to 50 years old, the IRS minimum for public safety employees.
City Council – City Council Meeting
Mon, Jan 13, 2025 at 6:30pm
20 Agenda Items
Virtual and In-Person
Public's Right to Speak
Item No. 1a - Motion - WEX Fuel Card
In 2023 the city entered into an agreement with WEX Bank to provide fuel cards for each city vehicle which can then be used at any participating gas station in their network. WEX tracks the expenses and provides one invoice to the city monthly for all fuel purchases. The program is currently being utilized by the Police Department for efficiency and as another means of having officers visible in the community. This action will encumber funds in the amount of $167,700 for all WEX purchases in 2025.
Item No. 1b - MOTION - Senergy Fuel Encumbrance
The city provides on-site fuel tanks at the Public Works Shop to allow for fueling of city vehicles. Purchase and delivery of fuel is provided on a periodic basis from Senergy Petroleum of Arvada, Colorado. Senergy was selected as the preferred vendor based on a procurement process through the Colorado Multiple Assembly of Procurement Officials (MAPO) in 2022. This action will encumber funds in the amount of $124,900 for fuel purchases, including delivery to the Shop, in 2025.
Item No. 1c - MOTION - Salt Purchase
The city purchases and applies deicer materials each year as part of its snow and ice control efforts. The city has participated in a cooperative bidding process through the Colorado Multiple Assembly of Procurement Officials (MAPO) to obtain the best pricing. The city will utilize a City of Fort Collins contract with Central Salt to purchase materials for 2025 in an amount not to exceed $135,000.
Item No. 1d - MOTION - Custodial Service
The City’s various facilities require consistent custodial service. Ensuring clean and hygienic public and workspaces is fundamental to the safe operation of the city organization and community services. Staff is recommending approval of a contract to S&B Confluence d/b/a Jani-King of Colorado in the amount of $419,350 plus a contingency for unforeseen items of $12,000 for the 2025 calendar year.
Item No. 1e - RESO - ROW Maintenance
The City currently contracts annually for mowing, weed prevention and mitigation, and trash pickup in various right-of-way areas. Terracare Associates, LLC was selected in 2023 through a competitive bid process. This amendment accepts a request for a 3% increase in compensation for 2025.
Item No. 1f - RESO - IGA Jeffco Crime Lab
On May 14, 2013, an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) was reached between the County of Jefferson, the City of Arvada, the City of Lakewood, and the City of Wheat Ridge establishing the Jefferson County Regional Crime Laboratory (JCRCL) in an effort to regionalize forensic crime laboratory services. A second amendment is requested to allow the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office (BCSO) to become a party to the IGA.
Item No. 1g - MOTION - CIRSA Payment
The Colorado Intergovernmental Risk Sharing Agency (CIRSA) provides property and casualty coverage for the City of Wheat Ridge. The total premium payment due for 2025 is $581,329 and is split into quarterly payments.
Item No. 1h - MOTION - CEBT Payment
The City offers employees a number of benefits in order to attract and retain a high-quality workforce. In 2023, the City joined the Colorado Employer Benefit Trust (CEBT) to provide a greater choice than previously offered of medical plans along with dental, vision, employee assistance program (EAP) and life insurance coverage. January through December billing is estimated and budgeted in the amount of $2,517,979. Staff requests approval of the estimated 2025 total expenditure so that monthly payments can be made in a timely manner.
Item No. 2 - ORD - PMUD Zone at Clear Creek Crossing
The applicant is requesting to modify the underlying zoning for certain areas of Clear Creek Crossing to refine allowed uses, setbacks, street, plaza, and multi-modal requirements. The intent of these changes is to relocate the main restaurant and entertainment district to the western edge of the site and to create a premiere pedestrian corridor to connect users from W. 40th Avenue.
Item No. 3 - ORD - Natural Medicine
In 2023, the Colorado General Assembly approved the Colorado Natural Medicine Act, creating a regulatory structure for natural medicines and the operation of licensed healing centers. Under the Act, the City may regulate the time, place and manner of healing centers licensed by the state, but the City may not prohibit the uses entirely. This ordinance allows healing centers in the City’s commercial, industrial, and mixed-use zone districts in a manner similar to medical offices. The ordinance also memorializes the state-enacted separation from schools and daycares.
Item No. 4 - ORD - Amend Prospect Park Plan
Applewood RV Resort, LLC is requesting approval of an amendment to the Prospect Park Place ODP at property located at 11600 W. 44th Avenue. The purpose of the request is to amend the existing zoning to expand RV camping uses onto Lot 1, located on the northernmost portion of the site.
Item No. 5 - ORD - Lutheran Legacy Campus Regulations
This ordinance creates a new Article XIV (14) in Chapter 26 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws that establishes a new zone district, the Mixed-Use Lutheran Legacy Campus (MU-LLC) zone district. The zone district regulations establish development standards for the future redevelopment of the former hospital site based on the adopted Lutheran Legacy Campus Master Plan and City Council consensus. Approval of this ordinance will allow for the Lutheran Legacy Campus to be rezoned to the new MU-LLC zone district in the future.
Item No. 6 - ORD - Boards and Commissions
This ordinance clarifies that board and commission members who change their personal residence to another council district within the city may continue to be a member representing the district for which they were appointed until the end of the term for which they were appointed.
Item No. 7 - ORD - Model Traffic Code
The City is required to periodically review the Wheat Ridge Municipal Traffic Code to ensure conformance with State of Colorado Traffic Ordinances. The newest version of the Model Traffic Code was adopted by the State of Colorado in 2024. To stay consistent and up to date with the newest Colorado Traffic Codes and to ensure the citizens of Wheat Ridge are best served by the updated Model Traffic Code, adoption of the newest code is recommended.
Item No. 8 - ORD - Police Pension Plan
Per the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, membership in the police pension plan does not currently extend to recruits entering the academy. Recruits are therefore placed in the civilian plan for approximately six months, then enrolled in the sworn plan. This is administratively burdensome for staff and challenging for recruits. This ordinance amends the code to allow recruits to enroll immediately into the police pension plan.
Item No. 9 - Mayor Pro Tem
Each year City Council Members elect by a majority vote a Mayor Pro Tem who serves until their successor is elected. The election is conducted according to Section III (B) of the City Council Rules of Order and Procedure as follows: B. MAYOR PRO TEM 1. At the first or second Regular meeting in January of each year, the Council shall elect a Mayor Pro Tem who shall serve until their successor is elected. The procedure shall be as follows: a) The Chair will announce that the floor is open for nominations for the position of Mayor Pro Tem. b) Nominations will be taken from City Council members by voice. No second is needed. c) Each nominee will have the opportunity to address the Council. d) A motion and second is then in order to elect one of the nominees to the position of Mayor Pro Tem. If the motion is not carried, additional motions are in order until a Mayor Pro Tem is elected by a majority of Council present.
Item No. 10 - RESO - Official Posting Location
State statutes require that each municipality annually establish the location for posting public notices, as well as the newspaper in which the notices will be published. Local government entities are also allowed to publish notices on-line for public meetings. These include meetings at which the adoption of any proposed policy, position, resolution, rule, regulation, or formal action occurs or at which a majority or quorum of body is in attendance.
Item No. 11 - RESO - Climate Emergency
This resolution acknowledges the climate emergency and reaffirms City Council’s commitment towards taking actions to reduce Wheat Ridge’s contribution to climate change and mitigate its impacts on the community.
Item No. 12 - RESO - WR Prosperity Plan
In early 2023, during its annual retreat with city management, Council requested an update to the 2009 Economic Development Strategic Plan. In late 2023, staff entered into a services agreement with Progressive Urban Management Associates (PUMA) to draft a new plan. Council is asked to adopt Resolution No. 05-2025 approving the new Wheat Ridge Prosperity Plan.
City Council – Study Session
Mon, Jan 6, 2025 at 6:30pm
4 Agenda Items
Virtual and In-Person
Public's Right to Speak
Item No. 1 - MEMO - CPGP Enhancements
Staff has developed proposed enhancements to the Community Partners Grant Program for City Council’s consideration.
Item No. 2 - MEMO - CIP Program Overview
In late-2023, all Capital Improvement Program (CIP) responsibilities were aligned to be delivered by the Public Works Department from the beginning of a project (planning, design, environmental) through the end (construction and close out). The city has recently hired several new staff to oversee and manage the CIP who will be introduced at the Study Session. Staff will also provide a brief overview of the planned CIP activities for the upcoming year.
Item No. 3 - MEMO - Pavement Analysis and Mgmt Program
The goal of Wheat Ridge’s Pavement Management Program is to continuously maintain the city’s street network in a safe and fiscally responsible manner. To accomplish this, the Public Works Department programs and implements cost-effective maintenance and repair strategies in a manner that will maximize the service life of a given street. The overall system will be maintained to achieve an average pavement condition index (PCI) to be no less than 65. According to the recently completed pavement analysis, the current average PCI of the city's street network is 66.
Planning Commission – Regular Meeting
Thu, Dec 19, 2024 at 6:30pm
3 Agenda Items
Virtual and in-person. Click for more information.
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Code Amendment regarding Natural Medicine
Specific Development Plan at 4001 Clear Creek Dr
Request for approval of a Specific Development Plan for a Bonfire Burritos drive-thru restaurant in Planning Area 6 of the Clear Creek Crossing development.
Code Amendment creating Mixed Use - Lutheran Legacy Campus Zo...
This ordinance creates a new zone district called Mixed Use Lutheran Legacy Campus (MU-LLC), intended for a future rezoning of the Lutheran Legacy Campus. The zone district regulations are based on the City's existing mixed-use zone districts, but are highly customized to meet the intent of the Lutheran Legacy Campus Master Plan and the voter-approved Charter amendments on building heights within the campus. If approved, the City will then rezone the campus to the MU-LLC zone district through a series of public hearings at Planning Commission and City Council in early 2025.
City Council – Study Session
Mon, Dec 16, 2024 at 6:30pm
3 Agenda Items
Virtual and In-Person
Public's Right to Speak
Item No. 1 - MEMO - Wheat Ridge Prosperity Plan
The Economic Development Division of the City Manager’s Office and its consultant, Progressive Urban Management Associates (PUMA), have completed a final draft of an Economic Development Strategic Plan. This strategic plan is being branded as the Wheat Ridge Prosperity Plan (the Plan) and is being developed as a stand-alone document to be used by the City Manager’s Economic Development Division. PUMA and City Staff will provide an update primarily on the Plan’s Implementation Matrix, which can be found in Section A of the Appendix (Attachment 2). The final recommended plan will be presented to City Council at a future date for adoption.
Item No. 2 - MEMO - Legislative Advocacy Program
The Legislative Committee held its inaugural meeting on December 3, 2024. This memo provides a status update from that meeting and presents the current draft of the Legislative Agenda, threshold criteria, and priority areas. No action is requested from the City Council at this time.
City Council – City Council Meeting
Mon, Dec 9, 2024 at 6:30pm
16 Agenda Items
Virtual and In-Person
Public's Right to Speak
Item No 1a - MOTION - amend HDR contract for Ward Station
Additional services are needed from HDR, Inc., to complete the valuation and acquisition negotiation for various land parcels needed to construct the Ward Station Multi-Modal Improvements project.
Item No. 1b - MOTION - amend contract with HDR for Wadsworth
On-going design support services are needed from the design engineer, HDR, Inc., through the remainder of the construction phase for the Improve Wadsworth project.
Item No. 1c - MOTION - contract with SEH for Ward Station
The design plans and associated documents for the Ward Station Multi-Modal Project are approximately 90% complete. Due to on-going coordination issues with various agencies, it is necessary to approve a contract with Short-Elliot-Hendrickson, Inc. (SEH) for professional design services to complete the design of this project.
Item No. 1d - MOTION - contract with AECOM for Wadsworth
On-going construction management services are needed from AECOM Technical Services, Inc. for the 2025 construction period of the Improve Wadsworth project. A new contract has been established to specify deliverables associated with these efforts.
Item No. 1e - MOTION - adopt 2025 City Council Mtg Calendar
The calendar of the City Council meetings is adopted by a motion of the City Council annually. Adopting the meeting calendar for the year is more efficient and enables the Mayor, Council, and staff to schedule other events and travel in advance. The Council will be able to amend the calendar by motion throughout the year, if necessary. The following City Council meetings that conflict with observed City holidays or other known events during the year are recommended for cancellation. • Study Session, January 20, 2025 – Martin Luther King, Jr. Day • Study Session, February 17, 2025 – President’s Day • Regular City Council Meeting, May 26, 2025 – Memorial Day • Study Session, September 1, 2025 – Labor Day Council may want to also consider the following City Council meetings that conflict with other meetings or community events: • Regular City Council Meeting, March 10, 2025 – National League of Cities Conference • Regular City Council Meeting, March 24, 2025 – Jeffco Schools spring break • Regular City Council Meeting, December 22, 2025 – Christmas holiday
Item No. 1f - MOTION - contract with Paycom for HRIS system
Over the course of the last three years, the City has evaluated its systems and business processes in order to streamline and modernize essential organizational functions. The City has selected five systems to drive efficiency and modernize business practices across the enterprise. The fourth system to be purchased and implemented is Paycom which will modernize employee operations and practices including personnel, payroll, recruiting, onboarding, performance management and training.
Item No. 2 - ORD - amend WR Code of Laws muni contractors
Chapter 21 of the city’s municipal code provides for construction and other work activities within or upon the public right-of-way while protecting the integrity of the roadway network and city-owned infrastructure. This ordinance adds or modifies language to the municipal code to address various construction-related provisions and streamlines the licensing provisions.
Item No. 3 - ORD - amend WR Code of Laws bldg contractors
The City’s Community Development Department manages the licensing of building contractors. Currently there are 14 license categories and over 3400 active licenses. This ordinance simplifies the licensing framework.
Item No. 4 - ORD - sale of city-owned property on 38th
The City was approached by Kyle and Erin Ballew for a proposed retail development, DOP’s Sweet Spot, at the southwest corner of 38th Avenue and Johnson Street. The 29,810 square foot parcel is owned by the City of Wheat Ridge and was rezoned to Planned Commercial Development in 2008. Permitted uses on the subject property include any land use allowed in the City’s Restricted Commercial zone district. This proposed retail use would be a permitted use. Only 25,378 square feet of the parcel would be sold and the remaining 4,432 would be retained by the City for regional drainage. Section 16.5 of the City Charter states that “The City shall not sell or dispose of municipally owned buildings or real property for a public purpose, without first obtaining the approval, by ordinance, of three-fourths of the entire council.”
Item No. 5 - amend PMUD zoning at Clear Creek
The applicant is requesting to modify the underlying zoning for certain areas of Clear Creek Crossing to refine allowed uses, setbacks, street, plaza, and multi-modal requirements. The intent of these changes is to relocate the main restaurant and entertainment district to the western edge of the site and to create a premiere pedestrian corridor to connect users from W. 40th Avenue.
Item No 6 - ORD - WR Code of Laws re: Natural Medicine
In 2023, the Colorado General Assembly approved the Colorado Natural Medicine Act, creating a regulatory structure for natural medicines and the operation of licensed healing centers. Under the Act, the city may regulate the time, place and manner of healing centers licensed by the state, but the City may not prohibit the uses entirely. This ordinance allows healing centers in the City’s commercial, industrial, and mixed-use zone districts in a manner similar to medical offices. The ordinance also memorializes the state-enacted separation from schools and daycares.
Item No. 7 - ORD - Amend Prospect Park development plan
Applewood RV Resort, LLC is requesting approval of an amendment to the Prospect Park Place ODP at property located at 11600 W. 44th Avenue. The purpose of the request is to amend the existing zoning to expand RV camping uses onto Lot 1, located on the northernmost portion of the site.
Item No. 8 - MOTION - install traffic calming devices
During the 2024 Neighborhood Traffic Management Program (NTMP), four roadway segments met the criteria to receive traffic calming based on the program’s eligibility requirements. These four projects will be constructed in 2025.
Item No. 9 - RESO - amend budget transfer 2E to CIP fund
The 2E fund, established to separate and track revenues and expenditures commensurate with the 2017 sales tax bond issuance, has a remaining balance of approximately $12.6 million. In discussions with Council prior to the 2J bond issuance, it was agreed that $7.4 million would be used to pay down the 2017 bonds and approximately $5.2 million would be transferred to the CIP Fund to defray remaining costs of the Improve Wadsworth project. This resolution authorizes the necessary supplemental appropriations to defease the remaining debt service on the 2017 bonds, complete the transfer to the CIP Fund and close the 2E Fund.
Item No. 10 - MOTION - transfer property from MHFD
The Mile High Flood District and City staff have recently been working with the property owner of 4131 Kipling Street to acquire a portion of the parcel which is located within the Clear Creek floodway. The floodway is a critical area within the floodplain which cannot be developed and is essential to carry flood flows. Acquiring this property allows the City to manage flood risk, protect the floodway’s functionality, and provide trailhead improvements.
City Council – Study Session
Mon, Dec 2, 2024 at 6:30pm
4 Agenda Items
Virtual and In-Person
Public's Right to Speak
Item No. 1 - MEMO - Model Traffic Code
“Because of the significant mobility of today’s traffic and the influx of motorists from many areas, every driver has a right to expect the rules governing the movement of vehicles and pedestrians on streets and highways are clearly defined and reasonably uniform throughout the state and the nation. The General Assembly of the State of Colorado has recognized that conflicts between the state’s traffic laws, and municipal traffic ordinances lead to inconsistencies in the movement of traffic and has strengthened the requirements for uniformity of traffic regulations.” (Model Traffic Code for Colorado 2024-Colorado Department of Transportation) The City of Wheat Ridge is bound by the laws and guidance of the State of Colorado and as such, we are required to periodically review the City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Traffic Code to ensure conformance with the state mandate as a subservient or secondary traffic management plan to the State of Colorado Traffic Ordinances. The Wheat Ridge Police Department periodically reviews the City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Code to align with state traffic code changes and ensure consistency across all Colorado roads. The newest version of the Colorado Model Traffic Code was adopted and installed in 2024. The updated Model Traffic Code re-enforces and provides additional guidance and resources to serve more comprehensively those who use the roads in Colorado as well as those who utilize the roads within Wheat Ridge. The newest guidance, changes, and updates along with the addition of new technology and resources will allow Wheat Ridge employees (Police and Courts) to address emerging trends and driving behaviors that have become problematic within Wheat Ridge. The addition of new vehicle technology, cultural attitudes, and intentions was the impetus of many of the changes in the 2024 Model Traffic Code. The ability to address more comprehensively those driving behaviors and trends allows Wheat Ridge employees the opportunity to ensure our community safety and advance the city’s core values with persons using the roads within the Wheat Ridge community.
Item No. 2 - MEMO - Natural Medicine Regulation
The Colorado General Assembly has recently enacted Senate Bill 23-290, codified at CRS 44- 50-101, creating a regulatory structure for the operation of licensed facilities for the supervised use of natural medicines by individuals age 21 and over. The Act creates a state agency responsible for licensing and registration of facilities and related businesses that provide for the use, cultivation, manufacture, and testing of these substances. Further, the state licensing authority will not issue licenses for any building which is within 1000 feet of a childcare center, preschool, elementary, middle, junior high school, or residential childcare facility. While the state statute does not require local governments to enact any local regulations of natural medicine businesses, the City has the authority to do so, and several municipalities across the state have chosen to enact various forms of regulation, while other communities have decided not to. Under the Act, the City may regulate the time, place and manner of the operation of healing centers licensed by the state but may not prohibit the uses entirely. The City may not prohibit licensed health care facilities or individuals from providing natural medicine services within the City, nor may it prohibit the transportation of natural medicine on public roads within the City. Finally, according to the Act, the City may not impose regulations that are “unreasonable or in conflict with the [Act].”
Item No. 3 - MEMO - Unclaimed Property
Aaron McCauley of the state treasurer's office has written to advise of a state statute govering unclaimed property. A copy of his letter is attached. The statute referenced is the Colorado Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act, CRS 38-13-101 et seq. (the “Act’). The Act generally requires holders of unclaimed property, such as the City, to disburse unclaimed cash and cash instruments to the state treasurer. I conclude the City may exempt itself from the Act, but only if it has adopted a local ordinance concerning unclaimed property which conflicts with the Act. The Act codifies a common law rule that unclaimed property escheats (is forfeited to) the state. The focus of the Act is unclaimed money, in all of its various forms, including cash, checks, deposits, gameplay cards, currency, financial loyalty cards, gift cards, money orders, mineral lease royalties, etc. The sole exception is in the definition of tangible property: exclusively to the contents of an abandoned or unclaimed safe deposit box. Clearly, the state does not want unclaimed motor vehicles, bicycles, furniture, or any other form of abandoned property. The state treasurer only wants cash or cash equivalents.
City Council – City Council Meeting
Mon, Nov 25, 2024 at 6:30pm
8 Agenda Items
Virtual and In-Person
Public's Right to Speak
Item No. 1 - RESO - Budget Adoption
Sections 10.7 and 10.9 of the Wheat Ridge City Charter require that a public hearing on the proposed budget be conducted before its final adoption and that the budget be adopted by resolution on or before the final day (December 15, 2024) established by state statute for the certification of the next year’s tax levy to the county. The proposed 2025 budget includes the following: • A General Fund budget in the amount of $48,765,853 • An unrestricted fund balance of $8,312,000 or 17% of expenditures plus 3% emergency reserves ($1,462,976) • Proposed CIP Fund in the amount of $12,443,000 • Proposed Renewal Wheat Ridge Bonds Project Fund in the amount of $13,560,000 • Proposed 2J Fund in the total amount of $12,829,361 • Special Revenue Funds in the amount of $8,027,596 • Proposed budget (all funds) in the amount of $95,625,810 Additionally, this resolution establishes the 2J Next Chapter Bond Fund and authorizes spending in 2024; authorizes the General Fund portion of short-term rental lodgers’ tax to remain in the General Fund to be used for general operating expenditures in 2024 and 2025; and reduces the Renewal Wheat Ridge Bond Fund 2024 budget so that the budgeted ending fund balance is $0.00.
Item No. 2 - ORD - amend WR Code of Laws ROW and licensing
Chapter 21 of the city’s municipal code provides for construction and other work activities within or upon the public right-of-way while protecting the integrity of the roadway network and city-owned infrastructure. This ordinance adds or modifies language to the municipal code to address various construction-related provisions and streamlines the licensing provisions.
Item No. 3 - ORD - amend WR Code of Laws contract licensing
The City’s Community Development Department manages the licensing of building contractors. Currently there are 14 license categories and over 3400 active licenses. This ordinance simplifies the licensing framework.
Item No. 4 - ORD - sale of City property
The City was approached by Kyle and Erin Ballew for a proposed retail development, DOP’s Sweet Spot, at the southwest corner of 38th Avenue and Johnson Street. The 29,810 square foot parcel is owned by the City of Wheat Ridge and was rezoned to Planned Commercial Development in 2008. Permitted uses on the subject property include any land use allowed in the City’s Restricted Commercial zone district. This proposed retail use would be a permitted use. Only 25,378 square feet of the parcel would be sold and the remaining 4,432 would be retained by the City for regional drainage. Section 16.5 of the City Charter states that “The City shall not sell or dispose of municipally owned buildings or real property for a public purpose, without first obtaining the approval, by ordinance, of three-fourths of the entire council.”
Item No. 5 - RESO - Mill Levy
This resolution authorizes the levying of property taxes for the 2024 fiscal year to help defray the cost of government in 2025.
Item No. 6 - RESO - amend Parks and Rec Master Plan
The 2015 Parks and Recreation Master Plan was adopted by City Council on April 27, 2015. The Plan designates certain parcels in the City as park land. In 2008, City Council approved an ordinance rezoning the property which is now Discovery Park. The Outline Development Plan included a condition that up to 36,000 square feet of the northern portion of the site may be used for commercial uses. However, the park land designation on this portion of the site was not removed. This resolution will amend the 2015 Parks and Recreation Master Plan to remove the park land designation from this remanent parcel.
Item No. 7 - MOTION - OpenGov contract
Over the course of the last three years, the City has evaluated its systems and business processes in order to streamline and modernize essential organizational functions. The City has selected five systems to drive efficiency and modernize business practices across the enterprise. The third system to be purchased and implemented is OpenGov Financials which will modernize financial practices and improve budgeting and procurement processes.
Planning Commission – Regular Meeting
Thu, Nov 21, 2024 at 6:30pm
3 Agenda Items
Virtual and in-person. Click for more information.
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Outline Development Plan at 11600 W 44th Ave
Case No. WZ-24-07 is an application for approval of an amendment to Phase II of the Prospect Park Place ODP for property located at 11600 W. 44th Avenue. The purpose of the request is to amend the existing ODP to allow RV camping uses on Lot 1, Phase II, located on the northernmost portion of the site.
Outline Development Plan at Clear Creek Crossing
Request for approval of an amendment to the underlying zoning to revise uses and standards impacting Planning Areas 3 and 6 at Clear Creek Crossing.
Specific Development Plan at SEC 40th Ave and Clear Cre...
Request for approval of a Specific Development Plan (SDP) for a Home2 Suites Hotel in the Clear Creek Crossing Planned Mixed Use Development (PMUD).
City Council – City Council Study Session
Mon, Nov 18, 2024 at 6:30pm
3 Agenda Items
Virtual and In-Person
Public's Right to Speak
Item No. 1 - MEMO - Stormwater Master Plan Update
Staff will present the outcomes and recommendations of the draft Stormwater System Master Plan along with recommendations for implementation of various capital projects focused on system enhancements to prevent flooding, maintenance of the existing system, and various operational needs. A stormwater utility is recommended to be established which would provide a dedicated funding source for the operational and capital needs of the overall program.
Item No. 2 - MEMO - Residential Waste Engagement
The purpose of this study session is to provide City Council with a final update on the Residential Waste Engagement Project. This session will focus on the results from the Phase 3 public engagement and present the final recommendations developed based on the comprehensive public input and data gathered throughout the project. Council will also have the opportunity to provide feedback on these recommendations, and staff will seek consensus on moving forward with the immediate next steps identified at the end of this memo.
Planning Commission – Regular Meeting
Thu, Nov 7, 2024 at 6:30pm
2 Agenda Items
Virtual and In-person. Click for more information.
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Specific Development Plan at 3905 Clear Creek Drive
Approval of a Specific Development Plan (SDP) for a Primrose School daycare center in the Clear Creek Crossing Planned Mixed Use Development (PMUD).
Study Session - Lutheran Legacy Campus Updates
The purpose of this study session is to present an outline of the updated draft Lutheran Legacy Campus zoning requirements to Planning Commission, which will serve as a preview of the full ordinance that will be presented at future public hearings at Planning Commission and City Council. This outline is similar to the one presented to City Council on October 7, 2024. A rough draft of the regulations is also provided for Planning Commission's review.
City Council – Special Study Session
Mon, Oct 28, 2024 at 6:35pm
3 Agenda Items
Virtual and In-Person
Public's Right to Speak
Item No. 1 - MEMO - Snow and Ice Program Overview
This memo provides an overview of the city’s response to snow events including priorities, storm classifications, public communication, and the city’s available resources for addressing this critical function.
Item No. 2 - MEMO - Wads Improvement Project Update
This memo provides an overview of the city’s response to snow events including priorities, storm classifications, public communication, and the city’s available resources for addressing this critical function.
City Council – City Council Meeting
Mon, Oct 28, 2024 at 6:30pm
7 Agenda Items
Virtual or In-Person
Public's Right to Speak
Item No. 1a - MOTION - Youngfield Bridge Scour Project
The base of the piers for the Youngfield bridge over Clear Creek have been exposed due to erosion from high water flows. This project will remove some material and then add large boulders to protect the area around the base of the piers from future erosion. Five bids were received and opened on September 25, 2024. Staff recommends the lowest responsive bidder, West Fork Construction, LLC of Colorado Springs, Colorado be awarded the contract in the amount of $149,725, plus a contingency of $14,975, for a total project cost of $164,700.
Item No. 1b - MOTION - Crack Seal Project Contract
The City periodically performs asphalt crack sealing as part of the annual preventive maintenance program to help maintain pavement condition and prevent more costly pavement repairs. Zone 1 of the city’s six maintenance zones was inspected by city staff. Various street segments with significant cracking were identified for inclusion in the proposed contract to receive a crack sealing treatment. The 2022 contract with A-1 Chipseal Company is being amended per the terms of the contract for the 2024 crack sealing project. The contract amendment also includes work to be performed in the City of Edgewater. Wheat Ridge will be reimbursed for all work performed within Edgewater.
Item No. 1c - MOTION - Hayward Park Trail agreement
The Hayward Park walking trail has deteriorated over time, creating an uneven surface with large cracks, resulting in safety concerns for trail users. The City received grant funding from the Jefferson County Open Space Trails Partnership Program to fund a portion of this trail replacement project. Approval of this contract will allow the City to complete this important work.
Item No. 2 - ORD - Business License Requirements
This ordinance makes several amendments to the City’s Business Licensing Code. These changes are designed to ensure compliance with state legislation, transition to bi-annual business license renewals, introduce an inspection fee, and consolidate certain special licenses with regular business licenses.
Item No. 3 - ORD - WR Code Auto Vehicle Identification
Traffic issues, primarily excessive speeds and red-light violations, are a continual complaint from the public. Residents contact various departments, primarily the police department, to request speed and other traffic enforcement on their streets to address the increased hazards these violations tend to create. Wheat Ridge is a smaller community impacted by major roadways and highways often used by community members and non-community members alike. This volume of traffic makes it difficult for an agency, sized to serve the community of residents and businesses, to adequately meet the demands of traffic control and safety. The use of technology in law enforcement continues to be one of the more impactful changes to modern day policing. One of those innovative technologies that is expanding nationwide is the use of Automated Vehicle Identification Systems (AVIS). Staff is requesting City Council to adopt a new Article VI in Chapter 13 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws to allow for the use of AVIS in Wheat Ridge to address these traffic concerns.
Item No. 4 - Auto Vehicle Identification Agreement
The use of technology in law enforcement continues to be one of the more impactful changes to modern day policing. One of those innovative technologies that is expanding nationwide is the use of automation within traffic enforcement. Wheat Ridge is a smaller community impacted by major roadways and highways often used to transit the city of Wheat Ridge by community members and non-community members alike. This volume of traffic makes it difficult for an agency, sized to serve the community of residents and businesses, to adequately meet the demands of traffic control and safety. The use of Automated Vehicle Identification Systems (AVIS) to promote traffic safety, greater accountability, and more responsiveness to community concerns would fill a necessary void. To leverage the current AVIS technology the Wheat Ridge Police Department researched the use and implementation of AVIS technology. During the research the Wheat Ridge Police Department met with Altumint, Incorporated, a leader in the provision of AVIS technology since 2005 with a proven track record. We believe Altumint best serves the needs of the Wheat Ridge Police Department.
City Council – Study Session
Mon, Oct 21, 2024 at 6:30pm
2 Agenda Items
Virtual and In-person
Public's Right to Speak
Item No. 1 - MEMO - 2025 Proposed Budget
On October 21, 2024, the proposed 2025 City Budget will be presented to City Council for review and discussion. This memorandum includes an outline of the public engagement steps that have occurred to date and the future actions required by City Charter to adopt the budget. In addition, the 2025 Budget Message is included which summarizes the various components of the proposed budget.
City Council – Special Study Session
Mon, Oct 14, 2024 at 7:00pm
1 Agenda Items
Virtual and In-Person
Item No. 1 - MEMO - Sale of City Property
The City has been approached by Kyle and Erin Ballew for a proposed retail development, DOP’s Sweet Spot, at the southwest corner of 38th Avenue and Johnson Street. The 0.5-acre parcel is owned by the City of Wheat Ridge and was rezoned to Planned Commercial Development in 2008. Permitted uses on the subject property include any land use allowed in the City’s Restricted Commercial zone district. This proposed retail use would be a permitted use. Section 16.5 of the City Charter states that “The City shall not sell or dispose of municipally owned buildings or real property for a public purpose, without first obtaining the approval, by ordinance, of three-fourths of the entire council. Unanimous approval of the entire city council, by ordinance, shall be necessary for sale or disposition of designated park land.”
City Council – City Council Meeting
Mon, Oct 14, 2024 at 6:30pm
7 Agenda Items
Virtual and In-Person
Public's Right to Speak
Item No. 1 - ORD - WR Code of Laws: Tobacco Retail Business
The Code prohibits tobacco product retailers from operating within 1000 feet of a youth-oriented facility (such as schools, parks, recreation facilities, etc.). The “grandfathering" clause of Code section 11-534(d) nevertheless exempts those retailers who were in place on the effective date of Ordinance 1710 Series 2021, which created the 1000-foot limit. However, if that retailer sells the business, the buyer of the business is not eligible for the grandfathering protection of that Code section. Councilmember Hoppe, supported by Councilors Dozeman and Hultin, requested that Council consider an ordinance expanding the grandfathering scope of Code 11-534(d) to include purchasers of a protected location. Council provided consensus to proceed with a code amendment on September 9, 2024.
Item No. 2 - ORD - WR Code of Laws: Business License Reqs
This ordinance makes several amendments to the City’s Business Licensing Code. These changes are designed to ensure compliance with state legislation, transition to bi-annual business license renewals, introduce an inspection fee, and consolidate certain special licenses with regular business licenses.
Item No. 3 - ORD - WR Code of Laws: Automated Vehicle ID
Traffic issues, primarily excessive speeds and red-light violations, are a continual complaint from the public. Residents contact various departments, primarily the police department, to request speed and other traffic enforcement on their streets to address the increased hazards these violations tend to create. Wheat Ridge is a smaller community impacted by major roadways and highways often used by community members and non-community members alike. This volume of traffic makes it difficult for an agency, sized to serve the community of residents and businesses, to adequately meet the demands of traffic control and safety. The use of technology in law enforcement continues to be one of the more impactful changes to modern day policing. One of those innovative technologies that is expanding nationwide is the use of Automated Vehicle Identification Systems (AVIS). Staff is requesting City Council to adopt a new Article VI in Chapter 13 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws to allow for the use of AVIS in Wheat Ridge to address these traffic concerns.
Item No. 4 - RESO - Sustainability Action Plan
Sustainability is an important issue within the City of Wheat Ridge, impacting municipal operations, businesses, and residents alike. Staff have been working to update the initial 2018 Sustainability Action Plan, and this resolution would adopt the 2024 Sustainability Action Plan Update: A Five-Year Roadmap as City policy to guide future decisions and actions affecting sustainability efforts throughout the City.
Item No. 5 - MOTION - Easement Acceptance
City staff is working with the City of Edgewater to design and construct a roundabout at the intersection of 26th Avenue and Harlan Street. A roundabout would slow speeding vehicles, improve opportunities for pedestrians to cross 26th Avenue and enhance the existing bike lanes along 26th Avenue. It is necessary to acquire portions of private property in order to construct the roundabout. Temporary easements for use during construction are also required. Two of the properties where land is needed are located in Wheat Ridge. Therefore, the needed land must be accepted by the city as permanent and temporary easements.
Item No. 6 - MOTION - Cancel November 4 Study Session
The City Council Study Session of November 4, 2024, currently coincides with the week of the upcoming November 2024 Election. The City of Wheat Ridge has signed an IGA to run a concurrent election with Jefferson County. The Wheat Ridge City Council Chambers is an advertised Jefferson County polling place. As such, the City Council Chambers will require election equipment, election judges, and the utmost security to ensure a valid election, free from protest. It is for these reasons that staff and the City Clerk’s office request to cancel the November 4, 2024, City Council Study Session.
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